Willkommen bei Bassets 'de Bérénice'
To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.
To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.
To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.
To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.
Unsere Fanfare wird demnächst Mutter. Vater der Welpen ist Emilion, ihr grösster Freund.
Fanfare ist wie immer eine hübsche, fröhliche Französische Basset.
Sie hat eine fröhliche Natur
Lebevolle Mutter